Benefits of being a SPAC subscriber:
• Savings of up to 20% off single ticket prices for all performances in our Spotlight Series
• First Dibs on tickets to our Spotlight Series next season
• Priority Notification and Ticketing on additional performances which may be added to the season
• Personalized Service on your order by our subscription specialist
How to subscribe:
• Purchase tickets to seven (7) or more Spotlight Series events in one transaction. That’s it!
• Complete the form below to select your performances, how many tickets you’d like, and where you’d like to sit.
• We’ll be in touch to review your order and take payment over the phone or in-person. You may pay by credit card, check, or cash. We will process your order personally and efficiently.
Some fine print:
• Ticket fees apply to your order. The same $3.00 fee that applies to regular single ticket purchases will also apply for subscription tickets.
• Subscription discounts only apply to events in our SPAC Spotlight Series. Performances presented by other groups renting our theater are not part of the subscription program.